Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

Learn More

Degree Progress

Get on the right track. Stay on track. Graduate on time.

Meet with your advisor and plan out your degree path.

Degree Planning

Transcripts and Transfer Credit

Degree Audit, Planner & Scheduler

It can be very frustrating to discover you're further from your goal than you thought. Avoid an unpleasant surprise and track your degree carefully with the many tools available to you. Know the courses needed to complete your degree by regularly conducting an informal degree audit and by meeting with your advisor regularly to officially chart your course.

You'll also help yourself stay on the right track by knowing the academic calendar. A missed deadline can be costly!​​

Questions or issues about your transfer credit or degree audit? Email us at

Planner Videos

Student Planner Access

Creating and Managing Plans

Planner Sections and Icons

Planning from the Degree Audit

Term Icons

Helpful Tips while Planning

Scheduler Videos

Student Scheduler Access

Create Schedules from Preferred Plan

Creating Schedules without the Planner

Add Busy Times

Create your Schedule

Setting Auto-Generate Preferences

Auto Generate and Save Schedules

Managing Schedules and Pre-Enrolling

Last But Not Least—Graduation!

CMS Login