Complaints and Grievances

CU Denver Students

Reporting Threatening or Harmful Behavior

​Members of the University of​ Colorado Denver community are encouraged to report any incident of threatening or harmful behavior to the administrator closest to the situation. Students are encouraged to call Auraria Campus Police at 303-556-5000 or text-a-tip to 720-593-8477. Additional resources include the CU Denver Ombuds Office at 303-315-0046 and the Office of Human Resources at 303-315-2700.

The University of Colorado Sexual Misconduct Policy prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct including:

  • Sexual assault, non-consensual sexual intercourse
  • Sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Intimate partner abuse, including dating and domestic violence
  • Stalking
  • Sexual harassment, including quid pro quo and hostile environment
  • Retaliation related to any form of sexual misconduct

Please see the policy for definitions and descriptions of the prohibited behavior.

This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, contractors, patients, volunteers, affiliated entities and other third parties regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression or gender identity.

This prohibition applies to conduct that occurs on campus. It also applies to off-campus conduct, including online or electronic conduct, in certain circumstances outlines in Section H., 2. of the Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Abuse and Stalking Policy.

The CU Denver Nondiscrimination Policy outlines that we do not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation or political philosophy in admission and access to, and treatment and employment in, educational programs and activities. The university is committed to maintaining a positive learning, working and living environment and takes action to increase ethnic, cultural and gender diversity, to employ qualified disabled individuals and to provide equal opportunity to all students and employees.

All students shall have the same fundamental rights to equal respect, due process and judgment of them based solely on factors demonstrably related to performance and expectations as students. All students share equally the obligations to perform their duties and exercise judgments of others in accordance with the basic standards of fairness, equity and inquiry that should always guide education.

Reporting Alleged Violations of the Nondiscrimination or Sexual Misconduct Policy​
The university employs staff members trained to respond to issues related to discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct. The Director of Equity & the Title IX Coordinator oversee the development, implementation and evaluation of the policies, procedures and training efforts, and will refer all concerns to a trained Office of Equity staff member. To report a concern to the Office of Equity you may submit the online report form, email or call 303-315-2567. Visit the Office of Equity website​ for more information, including confidential resources available to assist individuals impacted by these behaviors.

Anti-Violence Reporting Policy and Procedures
This policy is not intended to regulate the content of an individual’s speech but is instead meant to address the manner in which individuals behave. This policy applies to academic, administrative, research and service departments, programs, activities and/or services wherever University of Colorado Denver business is conducted, including extended studies and international locations.

CU EthicsLine – Reporting Suspected Fiscal Misconduct

CU EthicsLine provides a way to anonymously report concerns involving fiscal misconduct, violations of state or federal law, serious or recurring violations of university policy or gross waste of university funds or property. The reporting service is provided by EthicsPoint, an independent company that provides similar services for hundreds of companies and universities. To report a concern 24/7, call 1-800-677-5590 or go online to

Student Conduct and Community Standards Report a Concern & Conduct Process
The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards serves as a resource to the entire university community through its efforts to meet the developmental and educational needs of students related to community expectations, civility and respect for self and others. This office responds to inappropriate and threatening behaviors.

Resources and Assistance

  • The Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team helps students address their health and safety needs. The team provides assistance to those in need and in particular individuals who pose a risk to themselves or others. The team takes a preventative approach to risk assessment by offering resources, referrals, and support to both the concerning individual and those impacted by their behavior.
  • The Ombuds Office provides a safe, independent and confidential resource for all students of the CU Denver community. It can assist students with resolving or managing conflict and with clarifying policies and obligations to report.
  • The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards ​oversees concerns on and off campus for issues related to the student code of conduct as well as disruptive, or concerning behavior in any learning environment.
  • The CU Denver Student & Community Counseling Center provides mental health counseling services to CU Denver students and the Denver Metro community.
  • The Health Center at Auraria​ provides medical services to all students, faculty and staff of the Auraria Campus, and is committed to caring for each member of this diverse community with sensitivity and respect, cognizant of the cultural and interpersonal aspects of good health care.

Additional On-Campus Resources

Phoenix Center at Auraria (PCA) provides free and confidential assistance to survivors of interpersonal violence. Phone: 303-315-7250 |​​ 24/7 Helpline: 303-556-CALL (2255).

Health Center at Auraria – Victim Assistance Program provides support and resources for survivors of interpersonal violence. Phone: 303-352-HELP (4357). After-hours: 303-352-4455.

NightRider Service provides a safe evening shuttle service to and from CU Denver buildings and parking lots. Phone: 303-556-2001.

Off-Campus Resources

The Victim Assistance Unit of Denver Police provides immediate intervention, support, information, referrals and other assistance to victims of crime, witnesses and/or their families including incidents of non-criminal, stark misfortune. Phone: 720-913-6035.

The Blue Bench (formerly RAAP): is a comprehensive sexual assault prevention and support center, and provides a sexual assault hotline and resources. 24/7 Hotline: 303-322-7273.

The Rose Andom Center is a place for domestic violence victims to find the safety, support, and services needed to rebuild their lives and heal their families. Phone: 720-337-4400

Colorado Crisis Services provides confidential and immediate support, 24/7/365 by phone, text, chat or in person at walk-in centers.

Academic Integrity and Discipline Policies

A university’s reputation is built on a standing tradition of excellence and scholastic integrity. As members of the University of Colorado Denver academic community, faculty and students accept the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of intellectual honesty and ethical conduct in completing all forms of academic work at the university. Academic dishonesty is academic in nature and students are encouraged to contact their academic advisor for details of how policies and procedures differ from one college to another.

For issues and concerns related to student conduct and academic performance, students may file a grievance or appeal according to the procedures described by their program, school or college.

Reporting Suspected Violations of Student Honor Code

Students who suspect or observe violations of academic ethics should report them to their instructor, the department chair or the Office of the Dean of the applicable school or college. If your school/college’s honor code and policy is not listed below, please review the Academic Catalog​, contact your advisor or the Dean’s Office for the code and procedures.

Grades and Academic Probation & Suspension

For issues and concerns related to academic performance, including grade appeals, students may file a grievance or appeal according to the procedures described by their program, college or school.

Process for Grade Appeal Issues

Student follows grade appeal process or student grievance process in the home school or college.

  1. Discuss concerns with the faculty member
  2. If the issue is not resolved after a conversation with the faculty member, discuss concerns with the department chair
  3. If the issue is not resolved after a conversation with the department chair, discuss concerns with the associate dean

CU Denver Policies

Academic Probation and Suspension for Undergraduates Administrative Policy

Academic Probation and Suspension Process – Undergraduate Catalog

Tuition Appeals

Students are responsible for abiding by the published deadlines. Tuition is not refundable when students drop or withdraw from courses after the published deadlines. If circumstances beyond the student’s control have made the late drop or withdraw necessary, the student may file a tuition appeal.

Instructions and forms for submitting a tuition appeal are available in the Office of the Registrar on the fifth floor of the Student Commons Building. Completed tuition appeals packets must be submitted to the tuition appeals coordinator in the registrar’s office within six months following the end of the term being appealed.

Medical Withdrawals 

Tuition Appeal Guidelines 

Billing/Bursar's Office

Grievances related to billing issues should first be directed the Bursar’s Office. If the issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction you may ask to speak with an Associate Director. If the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction by an Associate Director, the appeal may be then be escalated to the Director.  

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Grievances related to financial aid and scholarships should first be directed to an Assistant Director of the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office. If the issue cannot be resolved by an Assistant Director, the appeal may be then be escalated to the Director. 

If you are unable to resolve your grievance with the appropriate office, the Ombuds Office​ provides a safe, independent and confidential resource for all CU Denver students, and can assist with resolving or managing conflict and with clarifying policies.

Office of the Ombudsman Federal Student Aid (FSA)

The Ombudsman Office is a final resource after individuals seek help through other customer service avenues. Before contacting the Ombudsman, borrowers concerned about student loans should contact their loan holder or visit our website for further information. Current students should contact their financial aid office first.

To reach the Office of the Ombudsman click here.

Complaints to Colorado Department of Higher Education or the Institutional Accreditor

Complaints to the Colorado Department of Higher Education

Before submitting a complaint with the Department of Higher Education, you must exhaust opportunities for resolution at the university.

Complaints to the Institutional Accreditor, the Higher Learning Commission

The HLC will assist you with complaints that are related to accrediting issues if you follow the instructions for Filing a Complaint.  The Commission cannot assist you in understanding your tuition bill, arranging for a refund of tuition, obtaining a higher grade for a course, seeking reinstatement to an academic program or other similar issues.

State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (Sara) Complaint Process

Student complaints relating to consumer protection laws offered under the terms and conditions of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), must first be filed with the institution to seek resolution.  The student should begin the complaint process with the institution and if resolution is not found, the student would contact the institution’s home state SARA Portal Entity.  NC-SARA maintains a directory of SARA State Portal Entities.

You can find more information about NC-Sara complaint process here.


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