Start Off Strong This Fall
Student Transitions & Family Engagement shares tips on how to have a successful Fall 2023 semester
Aug 25, 2023
How Is Summer Already Over?!
Smashmouth said it best in “All Star” with the line “the years start coming and they don’t stop coming”—each year seems to fly by when you are in college!
Whether you are new first-year student this fall or a returning student, we know it takes some time to get your footing at the start of the semester. Your classes are in new locations, you’re getting a ton of emails, and your professors are already posting assignments in Canvas—it can be a lot! Luckily, the Student Transitions & Family Engagement division is here to make sure you have a successful Fall 2023 semester.
Tip #1: Check. Your. Email.
We know—it can be overwhelming to see the amount of CU Denver emails flooding your inbox, but there are really important reminders, deadlines, and events listed in those emails. We recommend making sure you’ve added your student email account to your cell phone or tablet and that you are checking it at least once a day. Remember, your CU Denver student email is the only email your professors will use to communicate with you, so it’s important that you keep up with your emails.
Tip #2: Go To Events!
When students get involved in a club or organization on-campus, studies show they are more likely to persist in college and to graduate. During the first six weeks of the fall semester, you will have so many opportunities to learn about our Club Sports, Student Organizations, Greek Life, and so much more. Consider going to these groups’ welcome meetings and getting involved. It’s a great way to meet more people and feel more connected to your university.
Tip #3: Ask For Help When You Need It
In the Learning Commons Building (located next to City Heights), we have so many offices available to help you. From our tutoring center, math lab, Writing Center, Learning Resources Center, and the Student Transitions & Family Engagement office, we can provide a wide variety of support to help you be successful. The first step is simply walking in and asking for help!
Tip #4 (For Returning Students!): Check out Second-Year September!
Second-Year September is for all second-year students coming back to campus this fall semester. We have planned an entire month of events and workshops specifically geared to helping you be successful your second year at CU Denver. By attending events, you can also win prizes! Learn more and pick up your Second-Year September postcard in the Learning Commons Building, Suite 2206 (second floor).
We know you are capable of being successful this semester, and we are here to help. Please don’t be afraid to ask for help—everyone at CU Denver wants to see you thrive here this fall!