How To Access Your 1098-T

For ease of use, select the picture-in-picture option by clicking on the three dots at the bottom right-hand of the video, to watch while you complete the tasks.

Video created by: Nueka Lo '21, from the College of Arts & Media, Portfolio

First, Visit Lynx Central

Click the UCD Access Icon

Sign In With Your Username and Password

image of the webmail login username and password

Expand the Student Center Box

Expand the student center options

Scroll to the bottom in the new window, click on 'View 1098-T'

Click the student account icon

Scroll to the bottom and select the appropriate year

Scroll the menu to select the year

Select the 1098-T form

Select the 1098-T form

Click 'Allow" to open the document

Click allow to open the document
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