Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Parking FAQs

Does my parking arrangement allow me to park in one of the other lots on the west side of Speer Boulevard (Tivoli, Walnut lot, etc...)?

No, your CU Denver parking is only good for CU Denver managed parking garages: Lawrence Street Center, CU Denver Building and Business School.

Can I share my parking with others?

No. You will use your Campus ID to enter your designated garage and access should not be shared with others. Those found in violation will receive notice and their parking privileges are subject to revocation.

What happens if I lose or forget my badge? How do I access the garage?

You will need to call Facilities Management at 303-315-7777 to arrange to access the garage on that day. If you lose your badge, you will need to get a new badge and have that badge encoded for your parking plan.

Can I pay with a credit card or cash rather than through payroll?

No, that option is not available at this time.

I’m a part-timer but occasionally go past my allotted days. Is that ok?

Not abiding by your parking plan will impact other people’s ability to park in the garage. Please don’t do it. We conduct monthly audits and if you exceed your allotted days, you will be notified, and additional charges may be incurred.

How do I access the three garages?

  • Access to the CU Denver Building Garage is on the north side Lawrence Street between Speer Boulevard and 14th Street.
  • Access to the Business School Garage is on the north side of Lawrence Street between 14th Street and 15th Street.
  • Access to the Lawrence Street Center Garage is through the alley behind the building. The alley can be accessed by turning from Arapahoe Street north onto 13th Street (between Speer Boulevard and 14th Street). The garage entrance is located where 13th Street dead ends and transitions to the alley.

Once you arrive tap your campus ID badge on the card reader. The arm will lift and grant you access to the garage.

Is there accessible parking in the CU Denver garages?

Yes, we have parking spaces in all our garages that are accessible.

I am leaving CU Denver. Can I continue to park in the garage as a non-employee? If not, do I get a refund?

Before you leave CU Denver, please fill out the permit form and request a cancelation of your parking plan. Parking is reserved for active CU Denver employees only. There are no refunds.

I need to change my parking plan. How do I do that?

Please fill out the form requesting service and indicate what you need. You can also call 303-315-7777.

Can students park in the CU Denver garages?

No, these spaces are reserved for faculty and staff.

Facilities Management and Planning

CU Denver

Lawrence Street Center

1380 Lawrence Street

Suite 360

Denver, CO 80204


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