J-1 Exchange Visitor Program for Scholars and Student Interns
A J-1 professor or research scholar can be outside of the United States for a scheduled period of time provided the program activity and faculty supervision will continue while the Exchange Visitor (EV) is abroad. The DS-2019 and SEVIS record remain active during this time period.
An out of country authorization is not necessary for trips of 30 days or less for vacation or the if the exchange visitor completes the program and leaves the U.S. In this case, the HR Business Partner submits a Departure Form and the J-1 professor or research scholar is subject to the 24-month bar.
Submit a request for Out of Country authorization.
If the J-1 scholar will be an employee while abroad, review global employee requirements.
J-2 Dependents must depart the U.S. with the J-1 exchange visitor during the out of country period.