Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Academic Technology & Training

The Academic Technology and Training Team is responsible for supporting university faculty and staff in their use of academic technology tools and resources. We are strategic partners of schools, colleges, faculty and staff to creatively implement new technologies and provide training in instructional methods related to technology integration in our classrooms. 

The Academic Technology & Training team: 

  • Manages the pipeline of academic tools and technology integrations to support strategic priorities. 
  • Ensures the ethical procurement, implementation, and use of academic technologies at CU Denver. 
  • Leads the advancement of pedagogy-focused digital teaching and learning through innovative, theory-guided and practical application of instructional media and technology. 
  • Provides both one-on-one and group training, self-service resources and support for enterprise technologies. 

Training & Consultations

The Academic Technology & Training team offers a series of group workshops as well as one-on-one consultations. Schedule a time to connect with a teaching and technology expert, attend one of our group training classes, or connect with us on a customized program for your school/college or department. 


In partnership with the Office of Information Technology, we support the following softwares and tools used to facilitate and collaborate teaching and learning at CU Denver. These tools have been vetted for accessibility and security standards and are enterprise wide, meaning you can feel confident using these tools with your students. 

If you are interested in piloting a different software, the Academic Technology and Training team is a great partner. We make sure our pilots meet the same high quality accessibility and security standards, as well as work with OIT to implement and assess technology pilots.

Platforms for Learning

Platforms for Collaboration

Platforms for Classroom Management 

Platforms for Creating

Division for Teaching Innovation and Program Strategy (TIPS)

CU Denver

City Heights/Learning Commons

1191 Larimer St

3rd Floor Learning Commons

Denver, CO 80204

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