Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Collegial Observations

Collegial Observations (formerly Classroom Support Conversations) involve a colleague who will join your class (all modalities welcome) followed by a confidential support conversation. Typically the observation and conversation are done by a colleague in the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning within TIPS. The support conversation provides formative feedback from an outside perspective on the aspects of your teaching that interest you most.  You will be provided objective data regarding your teaching techniques and how best to support your students.

While you may use the feedback you receive to document that you have been working to improve your teaching, we do not conduct summative assessments or support conversations for faculty undergoing reappointment or tenure/promotion review.

  1. Make an appointment. Make an appointment at least two weeks in advance and complete the details in the form about your course to help us best support you.
  2. One-on-One Meeting with a CETL colleague. Discuss your class context, your reasons for the support conversation, and set your goals for feedback. 
  3. We observe your class. We will not disturb your class, we simply act like another student in your class, take notes, and save these notes after we observe your class. In the case of an online observation, your CETL colleague will gain “Observer Access” to your Canvas course and/or join a remote Zoom class session.
  4. Recap and Feedback. After we observe your class you will meet with the same CETL colleague that observed your class and discuss your perceptions and receive feedback. You will additionally receive a letter from the CETL acknowledging your participation.
  • Observations and conversations are voluntary and confidential.  
  • The process is intended to provide formative feedback for teaching improvement.  
  • We do not provide documentation of teaching or letters of support for Tenure/Promotion documents. We will, however, provide a letter from the CETL acknowledging your participation.

Please email to inquire about our availability for
in-person or online observations.

Common Questions

If you have further questions about Collegial Observations, contact us at

Division for Teaching Innovation and Program Strategy (TIPS)

CU Denver

City Heights/Learning Commons

1191 Larimer St

3rd Floor Learning Commons

Denver, CO 80204

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