About Us

The Division for Teaching Innovation and Program Strategy (TIPS) provides faculty support toward more inclusive and effective teaching practices. The TIPS Division also stewards the expansion of academic offerings and microcredentials to respond to changing workforce needs and learner preferences while prioritizing accessibility, flexibility, and lifelong learning. TIPS collaboratively develops a next-generation campus experience with stakeholders from across campus, building a more engaged virtual community to enhance student success and catalyze academic innovation across the university. Discover the highlights from the 2022-2023 academic year as we proudly share our annual report.


Leadership & Administration

The TIPS Division is led by Dr. Katie Linder, Associate Vice Chancellor for Digital Strategy and Learning. By working in close partnership with the chancellor, provost, deans, faculty, and staff, she helps the campus to develop and implement a holistic and inclusive teaching and learning strategy that re-imagines and transforms the CU Denver student experience through a commitment to innovation that is student-centered and results-oriented. The TIPS Division is also supported by an incredible administrative team.

Katie Linder, PhD

Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Innovation and Strategy and Interim Vice Chancellor for Strategic Enrollment and Student Success

Maria Zachariadis

Executive Assistant

Academic Technology

The Academic Technology and Training Team is responsible for supporting university faculty and staff in their use of academic technology tools and resources. We are strategic partners of schools, colleges, faculty and staff to creatively implement new technologies and provide training in instructional methods related to technology integration in our classrooms.

Our team:

  • Manages the pipeline of academic tools and technology integrations to support strategic priorities.
  • Ensures the ethical procurement, implementation, and use of academic technologies at CU Denver.
  • Leads the advancement of pedagogy-focused digital teaching and learning through innovative, theory-guided and practical application of instructional media and technology.
  • Provides both one-on-one and group training, self-service resources and support for enterprise technologies.

Crystal Gasell, EdD

Director of Academic Technology & Training

Amy Linville, MA

Senior Instructional Technologist & Trainer

Kady Katona, MA

Instructional Accessibility Specialist

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

We know student success begins with faculty success, and that's what we do: support faculty to be the best educators they can be. With a strong commitment to honoring the interconnectedness of teaching and learning, CETL works to foster the use of evidence-based educational strategies that have been demonstrated to foster learning and improve academic outcomes for students.

We provide support to CU Denver faculty looking to better themselves as educators, no matter their experience level. We help lecturers in our vital core courses learn how to master their lecture hall course with hundreds of students, to assist an expert educator in refining their syllabus to better help students.

Kate Goodman, PhD

Director of CETL 

Microcredentials and Market Intelligence

We know that program success–be it a traditional degree program, a certificate program, or a smaller learning activity–depends on meeting the needs of students, employees, and the community. Because our schools and colleges are working in a competitive market, our team seeks to provide both broad data-based insights to the institution, as well as refined insights tailored to your specific program.  We are a team of good listeners who value understanding the nuances of your program so we can provide expert guidance.

Microcredentials are a growing field in higher education. The skilled educational researchers and market intelligence analysts on our team can provide support to you as you make decisions about whether or not to add microcredentials to your portfolio.


Jeremy Lingle, PhD

Director of Microcredentials

K. He, MBA

Market Intelligence Analyst 

Program Development

We are a team of fun, collaborative individuals dedicated to excellent teaching and educational experiences for all learners across multiple modalities. As a team we are learner-focused and especially knowledgeable and skilled in: online and hybrid pedagogy, program and curriculum design, course-level design and development, teaching with technology, open education resources, Universal Design for Learning, learning sciences, and much more! Learn more about Program Development here.

Jason Drysdale, EdD

Director of Program Development

Jill Giacomini, MS, MA

Senior Instructional Designer

Jessica Critten, MA, MLIS

Senior Instructional Designer

Land Acknowledgment

Acknowledging that we reside in the homelands of Indigenous Peoples is an important step in recognizing the history and the original stewards of these lands. Land acknowledgments must extend far beyond words, the United States has worked hard to erase the narratives of Indigenous Peoples over time. Land acknowledgment statements can help to remind us of the history, the contributions and the sacrifices Native peoples have made.

We honor and acknowledge that we are on the traditional territories and ancestral homelands of the Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Ute nations. This area, specifically the confluence of the Platte and Cherry Creek Rivers was the epicenter for trade, information sharing, planning for the future, community, family and ally building, as well as conducting healing ceremonies for over 45 Indigenous Nations, including the Lakota, Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Shoshone, Paiute, Zuni, Hopi among others.

We must recognize Indigenous peoples as the original stewards of this land and as these words of acknowledgment are spoken and heard, remember the ties these nations still have to their traditional homelands. Let us acknowledge the painful history of genocide and forced removal from this territory and pay our respect to the diverse Indigenous peoples still connected to this land. Let us also give thanks to all Tribal Nations and the ancestors of this place.

Gracie RedShirt Tyon
Director, American Indian Student Services

Division for Teaching Innovation and Program Strategy (TIPS)

CU Denver

City Heights/Learning Commons

1191 Larimer St

3rd Floor Learning Commons

Denver, CO 80204

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