Alert: The Plaza Building will remain closed through Jan. 20, 2025.

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Remote Teaching Resources

​Teaching during times of potential disruption requires creative and flexible thinking about how instructors can support students in achieving the learning outcomes of the course despite the disruption of regular classroom meetings and schedules. This website offers suggestions to faculty who seek to continue offering a student-centered learning experience in a remote or online learning environment.

The sudden jump into teaching remotely may feel unfamiliar and frustrating. There will always be hiccups and challenges. Times of disruption are, by their nature, disruptive and everyone expects that. Be willing to make mistakes and switch tactics if something isn't working. While you might not be able to teach something exactly the way you imagined, If you stay focused on your students—being responsive to their needs, understanding when they experience challenges, and compassionate for the difficult times we find ourselves in—then your students will have every opportunity for success, through your guidance and their tenacity.

Below, you’ll find services and resources to help you go remote or online.


Top Resources


Remote Testing / Online Exams


Support Opportunities

1on1 Consultations

Depending on your question or need, you may want to speak with one of our skilled staff about academic technologies and tool integration, or you may want to speak with an instructional designer about pedagogical practices. We look forward to working with you! 


Additional Campus Resources


Disability Resources & Services




CU Denver OIT




Division for Teaching Innovation and Program Strategy (TIPS)

CU Denver

City Heights/Learning Commons

1191 Larimer St

3rd Floor Learning Commons

Denver, CO 80204

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