Career Development Grant

The Career Center recognizes that students can face financial barriers to professional development opportunities. The Career Center is committed to helping address these barriers, and supporting our students in achieving their professional development goals, by providing the Career Development Grant.

What Can Funds Be Used For?

The Career Development Grant provides students with access to up to $500 in funding for professional development activities, expenses for professional attire, travel expenses to attend a professional interview, professional organization memberships, as well as graduate school application costs. 

Below are examples of eligible expenses:  

  • Interview attire such as suits, dress shoes, ties, and other professional attire. (At reasonable price points. LynxConnect, and the Auraria Campus, offer “career closets” where you can pick up available items free of charge)
  • Individual travel, lodging, meal expenses related to interviews, career fairs, and career-related networking events/ professional conferences (that take place off-campus and are not supported by an academic dept. or other funding sources)
  • Graduate/professional school entrance exam registration fees and application fees that remain after applying for fee waiver/reduction opportunities. (see limits below on when funds must be used) 

Professional Development Grants may not be used for: 

  • Credit-bearing coursework offered at the University of Colorado, Denver
  • Income or expenses associated with a summer internship
  • Expenses incurred for post-grad, full-time careers
  • Religious or faith-based conferences/events
  • Travel to Hawaii, Alaska or international destinations 

Award Amounts and Limitations

Undergraduate and graduate students can access up to $500 annually for these professional needs. Interested students must submit a grant application. 

Travel funds must be for events within the 48 contiguous states; we cannot fund travel to Hawaii, Alaska or international destinations. Career Development funds cannot be granted to attend religious and/or faith-based conferences.  

Application Requirements, Tips, and Evaluation Criteria

Successful applications will include: 

  • A Statement About Your Reason for Fund Request: Focus on how the funds will be used. Detail how this request supports your development, academic growth, and career goals. Include how your financial situation justifies this request.
  • A detailed breakdown of costs including screen grabs or links to costs (ie: website of professional organization and fees, link to/screenshot of flight costs, receipts for clothing purchases)

Incoming grant applications are reviewed at the beginning of each month following submission. Your application will be reviewed by three members of LynxConnect. Applications will be evaluated in four categories:

  • Applicant’s Statement of Purpose is clear as to how funds enhance or support their career goals
  • Funds requested demonstrate clear ties to academics and career growth
  • Applicant provides appropriate and accurate documentation of how funds will be used
  • Applicant has demonstrated financial need and/or challenges 

If Grant Funds Are Awarded

If a grant application is approved, students will be notified and directed to contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss the potential repercussions of receiving the grant funding. Funds over $100 can have an impact on a student’s financial aid situation. Once the student understands the financial implications of accepting the grant, and decides to move forward, funds will be distributed about 1-3 weeks later. Funds will be deposited in your CU student account by the CU Denver Financial Aid and Scholarship Office.

Awarded funds must be used in a timely manner (usually within the semester requested or soon after) and must be used before graduation.

Before receiving funding, you must agree to submit a final report on the activities supported by the grant and provide final receipts for any purchases. The report will briefly describe how activities or purchases supported your career development. Receipts should be gathered and sent in one email. An email address for sending your statement and receipts will be provided once the award is granted. 

Why Did I Not Receive the Full Amount of the Grant?

Sometimes students submit receipts or projects costs that do not match their funding request.  Be sure to submit complete documentation to support your request. Also, remember our $500 limit.

Also, if you had an outstanding balance from your tuition and fees the award will go to that first and then, if there is a remainder, it will be disbursed to your account.  

Drop-in Hours

Monday - Thursday

1:00pm - 3:00pm

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Career Center

CU Denver

Tivoli Student Union Annex

900 Auraria Parkway

Suite 439

Denver, CO 80204


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