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Internship/Practicum Accommodation Procedures

The University of Colorado Denver is committed to providing equitable access to individuals with disabilities, including in off campus academic ventures such as an internship, practicum, student teaching site, etc. The internship/practicum accommodation procedures are designed to set out a clear process for students to request reasonable accommodations for practicums/field placements and internships, such as practicum experiences tied to a specific course/program as well as internships that count for CU Denver academic credit. If a student is participating in an internship/practicum that is not CU Denver affiliated, Disability Resources and Services staff can assist in coaching the student how to disclose disability status and/or request accommodations with the site directly.

DRS approved classroom accommodations do not automatically transfer to an internship, practicum, or student teaching site. Sites do not receive student accommodation letters and are not automatically informed of a student’s disability status.

Additionally, some accommodations that are appropriate in a classroom setting may not be appropriate in an internship setting. Accommodations at sites are determined in collaboration with the University of Colorado Denver coordinator of the internship, practicum, or student teaching site, and may vary based on setting, work requirements, etc. to ensure fidelity of essential experience, functions, and/or technical standards.

Students are encouraged to reach out to DRS to set up internship, practicum, or student teaching accommodations as soon as the need arises or is anticipated. There is no deadline to request internship/practicum accommodations, but accommodations are not retroactive.


Process for requesting accommodations for internships/practicums:

  1. Should a student need accommodations at their internship/practicum site, the student should contact Disability Resources and Services to determine the best course of action and schedule a meeting to discuss the request.
    1. Registered students should make an appointment with their designated DRS Coordinator by emailing, calling (303)315-3510, or visiting the Student Commons Building Suite 2116.
    2. Non-registered students can request to register for accommodations through our online registration form. Completing this form will create an account with Accommodate, our online accommodation request system. Please make sure to register with Accommodate using your email address.
  1. At this meeting, the student and the DRS Coordinator will discuss the nature of the internship/practicum and DRS will gather contact information for the student’s CU Denver affiliated internship coordinator and the internship/practicum site. Typically, no determinations about accommodations will immediately be made at this meeting, as consultation with the CU Denver affiliated internship coordinator and the internship/practicum site is necessary as a part of the interactive process.
      1. For CU Denver affiliated internships/practicums, the student may be required to sign a release, allowing DRS to be in communication with their CU Denver affiliated internship coordinator, program director, and/or the clinical site.
      2. If the internship/practicum is not affiliated with CU Denver, DRS can coach the student how to request accommodations in the internship/practicum placement.
      3.  If a student needs accommodations in an academic course that corresponds with the internship/practicum, students should seek out academic accommodations through Disability Resources and Services. DRS will then engage in the interactive process with the faculty member to determine reasonable accommodations in this course.

      Please note that an internship/practicum site may require that students submit documentation of their disability. If a student needs a copy of their disability documentation, please contact DRS.


      Process for determining accommodations at the internship/practicum site:

      As with all disability related accommodations, internship/practicum accommodations will be determined on an individual, case-by-case basis depending on:

      1.  The extent to which the submitted documentation supports the need for an accommodation
      2. The individual requirements, fundamental nature, and essential elements associated with the internship

      In some cases, DRS and the student’s CU Denver internship/practicum coordinator may suggest that all relevant campus entities convene with the site supervisor to discuss the logistics of accommodations in the field.

      DRS, the CU Denver internship/practicum coordinator, and the student will all consider the following questions to equitably assess the student’s accommodation request in collaboration with the site supervisor. DRS will assist in determining the answers to the following questions:

      • What are the goals or essential functions of the internship? What does it look like to successfully complete the internship?
      • With the student’s requested accommodation, can the student meet the goals or essential elements of the internship?
      • Are there specific technical standards the student is required to meet in the internship experience? What accommodations might provide access for the student to showcase mastery of these standards without compromising the essential elements of the internship?
      • How is the student’s learning assessed in the internship?
      • Did the student sign a contract or agreement with the internship site? If so, what does the contract require? If there is a class associated with the internship, what does the syllabus require?
      • How does the student’s work in the internship impact the work, experience, or health and safety of others?

      Through this interactive process, DRS, the student, and other relevant entities will come to an agreement on reasonable and appropriate accommodations for the setting in question. Depending on the individual circumstances, DRS may issue an internship/practicum-specific accommodation letter, with student permission, in which the student, DRS, the CU Denver internship/practicum coordinator or program director, and site supervisors will sign.

      Once accommodations are put in place at an internship, practicum, or student teaching site, it is the student’s responsibility to reach out to DRS if an adjustment to their accommodations is needed.

      Please contact Disability Resources and Services Coordinator by emailing, calling (303)315-3510, or visiting the Student Commons Building Suite 2116 with any questions.

      Disability Resources and Services

      CU Denver

      Student Commons Building

      1201 Larimer Street


      Denver, CO 80204


      Fax (303) 315-3515

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