Meet Audrey

Studied... Electrical Engineering & Physics

Becoming... Quantum Physicist

  • Transfer Student
  • Scholarship Recipient
  • Internships in the Defense Industry
  • Convinced Her Mom to Enroll at CU Denver
  • CU Denver Student (BS ’24)
Audrey headshot
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CU Denver helped me meet my moment by giving me so many opportunities to have them.

Audrey working with circuit board

Audrey's Moment

As a transfer student and a woman in STEM, Audrey W. was looking for a university where she could pursue her studies in electrical engineering and physics. But she also wanted to join a community. At CU Denver’s downtown campus, she found both opportunities, which have allowed her to meet her moment—again and again—through real-world internship experiences and in the classroom.     

Scholarship options

Audrey used CU Denver’s scholarship portal to apply for and secure the funding she needed to make her education plan work. “It was very easy for me to use,” Audrey said. “I was able to rapid-fire, send off applications for scholarships when I knew that I needed a little extra funding to pay for a couple of extra classes I was taking.” And that funding has made a big difference. “The scholarships have allowed me to work less hours outside of school, so now I'm able to spend more time on campus working on my research or just meeting with groups outside of class,” she said. “It's been good. That's huge.”

Audrey working in computer lab

Learn how other students met their moment

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