
What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a mobile app that allows you to take a photo or video and send it to friends or post it on your personal story. The content can be viewed for up to 10 seconds, then it is gone. It is a way to share photos and videos without taking the time to make a long post like you would on Facebook or Twitter.

Why should I use Snapchat?

Snapchat is an app that many people, especially teenagers and young adults, are using. It is a way for people to stay connected and see bits of someone’s everyday life without cluttering up their Facebook or Twitter feed. Snapchat is a great way for students to stay connected with the events happening on campus. A “snap story” only lasts for 24 hours, so you can make it new and unique every day. 

How long should my snap story be?

Try and keep your snap story to less than 60 seconds on any given day. The one exception are days in which you’re covering a special event or doing a takeover.

What should be in my snap story?

  • Photos and videos from around campus
  • Student or faculty member “takeover” where they take control of the account and share a story about their day
  • Field trips to a business or organization
  • Showing students in their own environment
  • Speaker talking to a class or group of students/faculty/staff 

What should I avoid?

  • Don’t talk about or show anything personal to you as an individual.
  • Don’t disclose student information, particularly information that is protected under FERPA.
  • Don’t send snaps to individuals.
  • Don’t post a picture without context; use the text tool in Snapchat to explain why you’re showing that picture or video clip.

Should I consider creating a Snapchat geofilter?

Snapchat geofilters are special overlays that can only be accessed in certain locations at specific times. For example, you might design and deploy a geofilter for a special event occurring on campus so attendees can use it on their snap content, like New Student Orientation.

It costs money to place a geofilter on Snapchat, but they’re affordable to just about anyone. Costs range from $5 to $100 depending on the size of the area of you want covered and how long it will be active.

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