Campus Logos


As the primary visual identifier for CU Denver, the brand logo must be used on all forms of communication, whenever and wherever the university is being represented.

Thoughtful and consistent application of the brand logo strengthens recognition for CU Denver, helps build a more unified brand, and connects us to the University of Colorado system.




Logo anatomy

brand logo anatomy

Our brand logo unites three elements in an intentional and fixed arrangement:

  • The CU icon is comprised of the gold, stylized letters “C” and “U” over a field of black. This graphic is shared across the entire University of Colorado system and used by all CU campuses, schools, and units.
  • The wordmark is a custom letterform used in conjunction with the CU icon. Together, these elements appear as a single graphic element and may not be altered, replaced, or retyped in any way.
  • The tagline graphic combines CU Denver’s brand essence with a stylized illustration of the Denver skyline.



The brand logo is available in two configurations: standard and condensed. When appropriate, the “tail” of the tagline graphic may be extended to the edge of the design area or page. In all other cases, alterations are not permitted.

standard brand logo configuration
Standard (default)
condensed brand logo configuration




Color options

The full-color brand logo is the preferred format and should be used whenever possible. In cases where a full-color logo may not be applicable—for example, black-and-white collateral, single-color embroidery—a single-color (gold or black) version may be used.


logo - color reverse

Reverse color (preferred)


logo - full color

Full color


logo - 1-color black

1-color (black)


logo - 1-color gold

1-color (gold)





Minimum size

In order to ensure legibility, the brand logo must not appear smaller than the sizes below.

Standard configuration:
  • 2.25" wide for print or physical media
  • 160 pixels wide for online or digital media
Condensed configuration:
  • 1.25" wide for print or physical media
  • 86 pixels wide for online or digital media
minimum logo size




Clear space

Clear space must always surround the brand logo, to improve visual impact and ensure legibility.

The minimum acceptable clear space is equal to the height of the CU icon as it appears in the brand logo.

minimum logo clear space




Improper logo use

The brand logo is a registered trademark and cannot be altered in any way. Always use the official artwork to maintain consistency and retain the integrity of the CU Denver identity.

The following examples are not permitted under any circumstances or variations.


Do not stretch, condense, or distort the logo.



Do not replace or retype logo wordmarks.



Do not alter, reposition, or rescale the logo elements.



Do not add text or graphics to the logo.



Do not change the colors of the logo.


brandLogo_noWatermarks_DEN copy

Do not place multiple CU logos in the same design area.



Do not use the CU icon or logo as a watermark, background graphic, or repeating pattern.



Do not add strokes, drop shadows, gradients, additional styling, or visual effects.


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