Inclusive Excellence Awards

These awards created in 2023 recognize the 50th year of CU Denver’s creation. The launch of these awards is part of a broader, long-term effort to recognize the work of faculty and staff.

Faculty Inclusive Excellence Award

This award honors a faculty member (IRC or Tenured/Tenure-Track) who demonstrates a long-standing commitment to advance CU Denver. Nominees will be selected based upon their record of success in any of these areas:

  • engaging our campus community to share responsibility for creating and sustaining a just, safe, and inclusive campus
  • the use of inclusive practices to ensure all voices are represented and heard on our campus
  • prioritizing our mission of making education work for all by guaranteeing that our students and employees can show up as their true selves, see themselves reflected in the work of the institution and feel a sense of belonging at CU Denver


Staff Inclusive Excellence Award

This award honors a staff member (classified or university staff, must have a minimum of one year of University service at .50 FTE or greater) who demonstrates a long-standing commitment to advance CU Denver. The nomination will show that the staff member has demonstrated all of the following:


  • engaging our campus community to share responsibility for creating and sustaining a just, safe, and inclusive campus
  • the use of inclusive practices to ensure all voices are represented and heard on our campus
  • prioritizing our mission of making education work for all by guaranteeing that our students and employees can show up as their true selves, see themselves reflected in the work of the institution and feel a sense of belonging at CU Denver

2025 Application:

The award description, criteria and nomination form is available on the Faculty Affairs WebsiteNominations are due by close of business on Monday, February 17, 2025. Questions? Contact Betsy Metzger at

2025 Application:

To be eligible for these awards, an employee must be a classified or university staff member with at least one year of service at .50 FTE or greater.

A complete digital nomination packet (including all the following items and not to exceed five pages) must be submitted with this form

  •  Nominating statement written by a nominator or the nominee that includes the nominee’s philosophy and examples of relevant work meeting at least one of the three criteria for the award  
  • A statement of endorsement from the nominee’s supervisor, if not submitted by the nominee’s supervisor  
  • Correspondence from current and former colleagues such as other staff, faculty, students, peers, alumni, or administrators  
  • A brief bio or work summary that covers the nominee’s relevant professional experience  

Nominations are due by close of business on Monday, February 17, 2025. Questions Contact

Past Award Recipients

Faculty Inclusive Excellence Awardees

Staff Inclusive Excellence Awardees

Access and Campus Engagement

CU Denver

Lawrence Street Center

1380 Lawrence Street

Denver, CO 80204


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