Undergraduate (Bachelor) Costs & Financial Aid

Your total cost to attend CU Denver includes more than your tuition & fees - you will also need to consider your housing, food, travel, health insurance, textbooks, etc. Before you can apply for your US student visa, you must prove to CU Denver that you have the necessary funding to support your first year of study. 

Estimated Cost of Attendance Figures for 2024-2025

The total estimated cost includes both direct expenses like tuition and fees, and indirect expenses such as standard estimates for housing, meals, books and supplies, travel, health insurance, and incidental expenses. This is an estimate. Actual expenses may vary depending on the student’s choice of housing and lifestyle.

Please note that actual costs will likely increase for the 2025-2026 academic year and are otherwise subject to change without notice and may not reflect all costs for every program. Taking more credit hours may increase the cost of the program. Students should add $6,750 (9-Month Estimate) or $9,000 (12-Month Estimate) for each dependent family member (spouse and/or unmarried children under the age of 21) who will accompany them to the United States.

*** For cost estimates for Anschutz Medical Campus programs please contact isss@ucdenver.edu

International Undergraduate Scholarships

The University of Colorado Denver offers a wide variety of financial aid and scholarship opportunities for international undergraduate students. We are committed to supporting your long-term academic and personal success at CU Denver, including your financial well-being.

International Admissions offers automatic merit-based scholarships and additional funding through donor awards and need-based grants. Additionally, students can apply for program-specific and external scholarships. Scholarships can be combined with employment opportunities and other financial resources to contribute to your cost of attendance.

Scholarship OptionApplication Requirement

Award Amount

or Range


Application Status
Aid Year: Fall 2022 - Summer 2023
Automatic Merit Scholarship
No$5,000 - 10,000
per academic year
Additional Merit Scholarship 

Apply Now

Up to $8,000
per academic year
GPA and scholarship applicationCLOSED
The application opens August 1st. 
ESL Academy Graduate ScholarshipNo$1,000 - $5,000
per academic year
Completion of 1 to 5 levels of the ESL Academy before AdmissionOPEN
Program-Specific Scholarships

Apply Now

$500 - $2,500VariesVARIES
External Scholarships

Apply Now



* Students in partnership programs are not eligible for these scholarships as they are based on the Downtown Denver campus international student tuition rate. 

Scholarship Application Procedures & Timeline

Automatic Merit Scholarships

  • Available to students admitted in fall, spring, and summer terms. Funding is awarded only in fall and spring terms. Students admitted in summer will receive their first award in the subsequent fall term.
  • Students with a reduced course load (RCL) approved by CU Denver International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) will retain their scholarships according to International Admissions policies. If you plan to take an RCL in an upcoming semester, please contact ISSS. 
  • Scholarships are awarded automatically based on GPA. International Admissions will convert international GPA's to the US 4.0 scale during the admission review.
  • Students will be notified of the scholarship award in their admission letter.
  • In order to ensure your best opportunity to secure scholarship funding and enrollment in the courses you need, make sure to complete your application as soon as possible.
  • Open to non-resident, non-sponsored freshman and transfer students enrolled in on-campus degree programs. Not available for online study or CU Denver partnership programs.
  • Scholarships are renewable for 4 years (freshmen) or 2 years (transfer).

Award Amounts

3.0 - 3.29 $5,000 per year
3.3 - 3.69$7,500 per year
3.7+$10,000 per year


* Awards of varying amounts are available for other residency types. Please contact International Admissions with any questions about your residency type.

Additional Merit Scholarships

  • Available to students admitted in fall and spring terms only, as long as funding is available.
  • Application required: The CU Denver Combined Financial Aid Application for International Undergraduate Students will be available August 1.
  • Priority Consideration Begins:
    • Spring Semester: Oct 1st of previous year
    • Fall Semester: March 1st of current year
  • Applications will be reviewed monthly following the priority consideration date, until funds for the semester in question have been exhausted.
  • Awards and grants are limited - apply early for the best chances!
  • Open to non-resident, non-sponsored freshman and transfer Students enrolled in on-campus degree programs. Not available for online study or CU Denver partnership programs.
  • Grants are renewable for 4 years (freshmen) or 2 years (transfer).

Conditions of Additional Merit Scholarship

  • Once a student is notified that they have been awarded an Additional Merit Scholarship, they will need to accept the offer within 2 weeks of the notification, or the award will be rescinded and funds will go back into the scholarship pool.
  • In order to keep their award, students must maintain full-time enrollment (12 credit hours per semester) and a cumulative CU GPA of 2.5+.
  • Students with a reduced course load (RCL) approved by CU Denver International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) will retain their scholarships according to International Admissions policies. If you plan to take an RCL in an upcoming semester, please contact ISSS.

Students who successfully complete level 5 at CU Denver’s ESL Academy and continue with CU Denver for their undergraduate degree studies are guaranteed a scholarship of $1,000 per year, for each level completed at the ESL Academy.

ESL Levels CompletedLevel Entered into ESL AcademyAnnual Award Amount
One LevelLevel 5$1,000
Two LevelsLevel 4$2,000
Three LevelsLevel 3$3,000
Four LevelsLevel 2$4,000
Five LevelsLevel 1$5,000

Note: Students who complete the LynxDirect Pathway Program are eligible for the ESL Academy Graduate scholarship. The non-degree portion of LynxDirect counts as one additional level of ESL study for the purposes of determining the scholarship amount. The scholarship will start in the first term of degree-seeking study (after completing LynxDirect).  

Program-Specific & External Scholarships

CU Denver Scholarships
External Scholarships

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