Alert: The Plaza Building will remain closed through Jan. 1, 2025.

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Staff Council


Mission Statement

CU Denver Staff Council aims to represent and engage all staff on matters affecting their work, promoting staff inclusivity and belonging, job satisfaction, and professional development. In alignment with CU Denver’s goal of being a Best Place to Work, CU Denver Staff Council advocates for staff with a credible and influential voice across the university. 

What We Do

Staff Council members serve as representatives for the University of Colorado Denver Campus classified staff, university staff and professional research assistants to the Chancellor's Office, Board of Regents, President's Office, Administrative Officers, and the State Personnel Board.

CU Denver Staff Council aims to: 

  • Equip and empower all staff to succeed personally and professionally at CU Denver
  • Increase staff satisfaction, morale, and ability to make their voices heard 
  • Be recognized by university leadership as an effective representative of staff priorities and an essential contributor to CU Denver’s strategic priorities
  • Be an equal and trusted contributor to CU Denver’s shared governance and partner with Faculty Assembly and Student Governance
  • Drive growth in CU Denver student success, operational effectiveness, and global impact.

What You Can Do

Get Involved! Staff Council meetings​ are open meetings. Staff are welcome and encouraged to attend.​​​​​​​​​​  Meetings occur the second Tuesday of each month.​​​​ If you have further questions, email the Sta​ff Council. ​​​

Staff council members standing in the student commons

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