AT in EI infographic (PDF)
Green Screen Teletherapy Tips and Tricks (PDF)
AAC Funding Resources (PDF)
Research in Early Intervention
The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering has a long history of conducting research that supports the use of AT for people with disabilities. Current efforts include research in early childhood.
Clinical Services for Young Children
The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering offers unique expertise in the use of technology to enhance the lives of young children with disabilities. Our clinical faculty includes occupational therapists, physical therapists and speech language
pathologists. Clinical services include direct one on one assessment, consultation and training for young children with disabilities and their families in order to assist them with the selection, acquisition and use of assistive technologies.
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CIDE AT Exchange (formally the AT Finder)
The CIDE AT Exchange (formally the AT Finder) is a web-based technology exchange program that assists individuals in obtaining new or used assistive technology devices or equipment for little or no cost. Individuals and organizations can use the CODE
AT Exchange to search other various online classified and auction websites for assistive technology devices.
AT Funding $ources
The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering's mission is for persons with cognitive, sensory, and/or physical disabilities to reach their highest potential at home, school, work and play through the addition of appropriate assistive technologies
to their lives. Connecting individuals with potential funding for those devices is one part of what we do. Below are two funding options in Colorado.
EI Colorado Funding (PDF) - Early Intervention
Colorado offers a detailed brochure to explain the funding process in early intervention. Follow this link to visit their web site and learn more.
AT Funding $ources -
A fully accessible, statewide on-line database providing individuals with disabilities, family members, and caregivers with a single point of entry for determining where to seek funding for assistive technology devices, equipment, or programs.