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Reminder: Web Accessibility Compliance Law in effect

The new Colorado accessibility law, HB21-1110, affects university websites and went into effect July 1, 2024. This means that university website owners/content managers must ensure your website content meets the minimum web accessibility standards.

Learn how to meet accessibility standards

Web Biography Widget

This widget was designed so that one or more professional biographies can be displayed on a page. The web biography (web bio) widget is perfect for highlighting people on a staff, team, in a class or as part of a teaching or research group.

This is a content type, which means that the information displayed in the widget is centrally located in the "Content" tab of the dashboard and is managed there, not on the individual page itself. The information for bios is dependent upon content initially imported into Sitefinity. Additional information can be added to an individual's biography in the content area under "Web Bios."


There are six different ways to display the web bio widget. Below are your template display options:

Web bio

Ashley Arens

Delivery Manager

Tarah Dykeman

Web Customer Success & Training Professional

Chloe Rankin

CMS Trainer & Content Developer

Maxie Thao

Web DeV Accessibility UX SpecI


Web bio accordion 


Web bio full

Chloe Rankin

Chloe Rankin

CMS Trainer & Content Developer
  • Office of Information Technology

Gingerbread wafer powder toffee chocolate cake carrot cake chocolate bar tiramisu. Tart tiramisu oat cake. Cake soufflé chupa chups gummi bears marshmallow.

Chupa chups oat cake I love cookie bonbon soufflé toffee sugar plum. Oat cake sweet muffin donut. Bonbon cake brownie sweet chupa chups pastry I love.

Liquorice toffee pudding I love jelly beans marshmallow macaroon ice cream jelly-o. Pastry croissant toffee ice cream I love topping croissant. Wafer I love sesame snaps sweet roll gummi bears cake tootsie roll. Dessert jujubes sweet icing lemon drops macaroon cake.

Caramels sesame snaps apple pie soufflé. Chocolate cake chocolate sweet apple pie dessert bonbon. Brownie brownie sesame snaps tootsie roll muffin bear claw croissant sugar plum.


Web bio grid

Ashley Arens

Ashley Arens

Delivery Manager
Tarah Dykeman portrait

Tarah Dykeman

Web Customer Success & Training Professional
Maxie Thao

Maxie Thao

Web DeV Accessibility UX SpecI

Web bio simple list

Ashley Arens

Delivery Manager
Veggies es bonus vobis, proinde vos postulo essum magis kohlrabi welsh onion daikon amaranth tatsoi tomatillo melon azuki bean garlic.

Tarah Dykeman

Web Customer Success & Training Professional
Shake mastiff zoomies leash, spin aussie stay zoomies wuff nose. Paw pittie down leap tail sit, mastiff squirrel dobie leash bark. Dobie leash dog chi kibbles tail, tails dog toy roll over collie.

Chloe Rankin

CMS Trainer & Content Developer
Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet cotton candy muffin apple pie I love chocolate cake. Chocolate cake I love donut tiramisu cookie marzipan gummies marshmallow.

Maxie Thao

Web DeV Accessibility UX SpecI
Griefing sandbox GTA pre-firing rubber banding Fighting game charge attack A GUI GG ez. Last hitting pre-rendered graphics matchmaking Tomb Raider HUD Sega Genesis anti-aliasing map W+M1 rocket jump OHKO bot area of effect.

Web bio table

Profile Picture Name Contact Information
Ashley Arens

Ashley Arens

Delivery Manager
Veggies es bonus vobis, proinde vos postulo essum magis kohlrabi welsh onion daikon amaranth tatsoi tomatillo melon azuki bean garlic.
Tarah Dykeman portrait

Tarah Dykeman

Web Customer Success & Training Professional
Office of Information Technology
Shake mastiff zoomies leash, spin aussie stay zoomies wuff nose. Paw pittie down leap tail sit, mastiff squirrel dobie leash bark. Dobie leash dog chi kibbles tail, tails dog toy roll over collie.
Chloe Rankin

Chloe Rankin

CMS Trainer & Content Developer
Office of Information Technology
Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet cotton candy muffin apple pie I love chocolate cake. Chocolate cake I love donut tiramisu cookie marzipan gummies marshmallow.
Maxie Thao

Maxie Thao

Web DeV Accessibility UX SpecI
Griefing sandbox GTA pre-firing rubber banding Fighting game charge attack A GUI GG ez. Last hitting pre-rendered graphics matchmaking Tomb Raider HUD Sega Genesis anti-aliasing map W+M1 rocket jump OHKO bot area of effect.

Web bio doctors

The web bio doctors template is designed to meet the needs of CU Anschutz School of Medicine bios. This template may not be applicable for other use cases. 
Juan-Pablo Idrovo, MD

Juan-Pablo Idrovo, MD

Gastrostomy Tube Guardian

Gastrostomy Tube Guardian

This project aims to address the high risk of complications associated with 400,000 gastrostomy tubes placed annually in the US, including infections, bleeding, and dislodgement, which can lead to severe issues and a significant mortality rate. The proposed “Gastrostomy tube guardian” is an innovative solution designed to prevent gastrostomy tube dislodgements with a state-of-the-art valve connector, made from autoclavable acrylic and magnetic materials. Collaborators: Juan-Pablo Idrovo, MD and Andrew Scallon

Learn more about Dr. Idrovo

How to

In order to display web biographies, you need to import them into Sitefinity using one of two methods. You can find instructions for each below. 

Import internal users

The internal import process is for university faculty and staff. Biography information is pulled from the HR system. Once imported, you can change any imported information and add additional information. 

To complete an internal import, please do the following: 

  1. Ensure you are working in the proper multisite.
  2. Click the Content tab and select Web Bio Import.
  3. Enter in your website and click Import from IDM.
  4. Enter email address, title, first name, last name or both.
  5. Select the School or College associated with the person. Use Any School to search all departments.
  6. Select the checkbox for the person you wish to import.
  7. Repeat as necessary.
  8. Hit Start.

Import external users

The external import process is for people affiliated with the university but do not have information in the HR system. This process will import their full name and email. Once imported, you can add additional information. 

To complete an external import, please do the following: 

  1. Ensure you are working in the proper multisite.
  2. Click the Content tab and select Web Bio Import.
  3. Enter in your website and click Import from CSV.
  4. Download a copy of the CSV format spreadsheet.
  5. Fill out the spreadsheet. Be sure to leave the headers in the first row as is.
  6. Save to your computer.
  7. Choose the file from your computer.
  8. Hit Start.

Add content to user bios

Once your people are imported, you can add additional information to the individual biographies. 

To add content to a biography, please do the following: 

  1. Ensure you are working in the proper multisite.
  2. Click the Content tab and select Web Bios.
  3. Find the person and click their email address.
  4. Fill in the applicable fields. 
  5. Publish.

Use the widget

Now that your content is ready, you can add the biographies to your webpages using the web bios widget. 

To add web bio content, please do the following: 

  1. Go to the page you would like to display the bio(s) on in edit mode.
  2. Find the web bios widget and drag and drop it on the page.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select the biographies you would like to display under the content tab.
  5. Under List settings, choose limits if needed and the sort order.
  6. Expand the drop down menu under List template to choose the design template you want to use.
  7. Click List Options, enter a title if needed and check the fields you would like to display. 
  8. Click Back to widget settings.
  9. Select Single items settings to choose whether you would like to open bio details on the same page (auto-generated) when selected or a designated (existing) page. If you are not sure which option you need, click here for more information about setting up an existing page. 
  10. To enable text search and/or filtering, click "Filter" and select your preferences. 
  11. Save.

If you're using the web bio full template and would like more options to completely customize which fields are displayed, you can use the web bio full custom template.

Select the "web bio full custom" template. Then select the "List Options" button. From there, you can select and deselect which fields are displayed.

Web bio full custom template selected

Search and filtering

The web biography widget allows optional text search (by name and job title) and filtering at the top of the widget for a more simplified user experience. 

Web Bio - Search and filter example

These options give site visitors the ability to type in names and select categories in order to pare down the list of biographies displayed by applicable criteria. To enable search and/or filtering, please do the following: 

1. While editing the page, click Edit on the Web Bios widget and select Filter at the bottom.

Edit view for web bio widget

2. Select which options you would like to implement. 

Web bio - search and filtering options

3. Save. 


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