Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Explore CU Denver Programs

Use the search tool below to discover degree and certificate programs offered by CU Denver. If you are unable to find a program that is right for you, please contact Admissions or a school or college for more information.

Accelerated Master of Public Administration

The accelerated MPA is a fast-paced, full-time option for students eager to jumpstart their public service careers. Each August, a cohort of students is admitted into this 12-month program to...
MPA (Master's)
A certificate in American Indian Studies acknowledges students who have made a significant effort to learn about American Indian cultures. It is designed to appeal to undergraduate students with a...
Undergraduate Certificate
Completing a minor in anthropology will give you an excellent introduction to the field. You will be exposed to the basic concepts of the field-for example, evolution, adaptation and cultural...
The art history minor familiarizes students with the principal traditions of art history and includes a selection of lecture courses in advanced studies. This program provides a strong introduction to historical developments while developing analytical skills in...
Astrophysics is an important and well-represented sub discipline in physics. It includes the study of the solar system, galactic and extragalactic astrophysics, as well as cosmology. A minor in this...

BA in Education and Human Development

CU Denver’s School of Education & Human Development can help you turn your passion for teaching and school leadership into professional success. You may be starting college for the first...
BA (Bachelor's)
The 4+1 accelerated Master’s program in Philosophy is an expedited program of study that allows students to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and a Master’s degree in Humanities in...
BA MH (Bachelor'sMaster's)

BA/BS Integrated Studies

Integrates previously completed coursework to design a unique on-campus or online major. Students combine two course clusters, either from within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences or from within...
BA BS (Bachelor's)

Bachelor of Applied Science: Professional Studies

The Bachelor of Applied Science: Professional Studies (BAS-PS) degree is geared toward individuals who have earned an Associates of Applied Sciences (AAS) degree at any Colorado community college. In the...
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Online and on campus classes
BS (Bachelor's)
Offers undergraduates a rich overview of human life and introduces a variety of skills and practical research methods. Students learn to apply these skills in laboratory and field studies focused...
BA (Bachelor's)
Develops skills in writing, speaking, interpersonal relationships, critical thinking, analysis, and teamwork, increasing students' ability to communicate clearly and effectively for a variety of communication or business career paths.
BA (Bachelor's)
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