Technology Questions and Support

Get Help

The Service Desk provides front line technology service and support for students, faculty, and staff at CU Denver. If you need help with central technology such as email, Wi-Fi, or VPN, the OIT Service Desk is the place to start. Request assistance from our Service Desk or peruse our tools and resources to find the help you need.

Reset your password here.

Contact the Service Desk

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Phone Support

Contact us over the phone for assistance

303-724-4357 (4-HELP from a campus phone)

7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday - Thursday

7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday


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Self Service Portal

Enter a ticket for assistance

Submit a ticket

Email the Service Desk

24/7 access to the OIT Service Center, your ticket will be replied to during normal hours of operation in the order it was received.

After Hours Service Desk Support

Emergencies: If you have a campus network outage or technology issue impacting patient care, call (303) 724-4357. A technician will call you back within 15 minutes. 

View current or planned outages.

Non-emergencies: If you need help with password resets or general questions, leave a message at (303) 724-4357 or utilize the self service portal and submit a ticket. Your request will be responded to on the next business day during regular hours of operation. 

More from the Service Desk 

Support Tools

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with Duo

Category: IT Security Remote Access Software Audience: Faculty Researchers Staff Students
Staff, faculty and students are required to enroll a device in multi-factor authentication (MFA) with Duo to help strengthen security by providing two proofs of your identity.
Register for MFA with Duo

Welcome to Duo

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) with Duo must be used with:  
  • VPN - GlobalProtect is the university's virtual private network (VPN)
  • VDI - VMWare Horizon allows employees access to university resources through a remote desktop
  • Microsoft 365 applications including Outlook for university email whether you are off-campus or on-campus
  • Employee and student portals at

Install and Register for Duo

  • Download the Duo app on your preferred mobile device. OIT highly recommends doing this on your smartphone.
  • Register for Duo from your laptop or desktop computer.
    • In your browser, type in: and click enter.
    • Remove your university email address and type in your user name.  
    • Be sure to log in using your university username (not your email address) and your password.
    • The Duo Authentication “Start setup” message will appear. If you're already registered for Duo, you'll receive a ready to start using CU Secure message.

    CU Secure ready to start message

    • Troubleshooting: If you have an issue accessing the link, clear your browser data, then close your browser and reopen a new session. You must enter your user name (generally your last name and first initial or a combination of your last and first name). If you are still experiencing issues, please contact the Service Desk. 

Training Resources

Getting Started

Frequently Asked Questions

Newsletter and events on computer
Email envelope distributed to group of people
Students learning technology
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