Mail Services

Addressing Standards

The Mail Services Center handles mail processed through the United States Postal Service (USPS) for University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus and University of Colorado Hospital. 

In order for you to receive your mail in a timely manner, please use the following format for the specific campus described below and notify those who will be sending you mail via USPS about these standards:

Writing Address


Addressing Standards for Incoming United States Postal Service Mail on the Anschutz Medical Campus:

  1. Name and/or Department
  2. Mail Stop
  3. Building Name (optional, but must be after Mail Stop on either a separate line or the same line)
  4. Your Building Street Address (the room number comes after the street address and is only needed for physical deliveries from Fed Ex, UPS, etc.)
  5. Aurora, CO 80045

Note: Do not use a P.O. Box for the Anschutz Medical Campus. 


Addressing Standards for Incoming United States Postal Service Mail on the Denver Campus:

  1. Individual’s Name
  2. University of Colorado Denver
  3. Department 
  4. Campus Box
  5. P.O. Box
  6. Denver, CO 80204


Addressing Standards for Incoming United States Postal Service Mail to 
Off-Campus Locations:

  1. Name
  2. Building Name, Room Number
  3. Institution, Department
  4. Street Address
  5. City, State and Zip Code

Note: If you work off-site, you will need to use the correct street address and zip code for your location.


How do I update my location when I move?


All campus service departments use the online directory (E-Directory) to locate mail stops and room numbers for departments and individuals when adequate contact information is missing.  Mail that comes in with missing address information and cannot be found in the online directory will be returned to sender.  When you change locations, you need to update the E-directory as soon as possible to ensure you continue to receive your mail. Currently you will need to call the IT Help Desk (4-4357, 4-HELP) to make changes to the E-directory.  Below is the link to the E-directory.
Access the E-Directory is at


Return Addressing on Envelopes:
Contact the Printing Service Design Center
303-724-6413 for questions regarding graphic standards
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