CU Denver Campus Workplace Adjustment Process and Form Information

Workplace Adjustment Form

As CU Denver moves to make masks optional, some employees may feel that because of their personal situation they need a workplace adjustment to facilitate in-person teaching/work. For example, an employee who is immunocompromised may want to ask for a workplace adjustment to change their physical work space, a change to how they engage with the public, or a request for a larger classroom to provide more space between an instructor and students.

If an employee would like to request an adjustment, we encourage that they first work with their supervisor/chair if possible. Assistant Vice Chancellor Teri Engelke is available to talk with supervisors on how they can support their employees and provide workplace adjustments:

For employees who are not comfortable having these conversations or are unable to resolve their request, they’re invited to complete the Alternative Work Arrangements form. HR will conduct outreach and see if they can assist in finding ways to address the concerns.

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