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Lifelong Learning Program

The University of Colorado Denver Institute for International Business/Center for International Business Education and Research, your premier resource for a lifetime of learning and continuing your professional development.

Welcome to CU Denver CIBER's Lifelong Learning Program

Welcome to the Lifelong Learning program! As an alumni of the Executive MBA or MS International Business programs, you have access to the Lifelong Learning Program, where you can continue your professional development in international business through articles, videos, trainings, courses, and events. Use this page to navigate between the resources CU Denver CIBER's Lifelong Learning Program can provide.

Upcoming Events

Event Details

As a Lifelong Learning Program member, you have free attendance to all CU Denver CIBER virtual events and up to four International Executive Roundtable (IER) events, per academic year, and one Global Context of Business workshop free of charge.

You may choose to attend additional IER events for $50 each, and additional Global Context of Business workshops for $100 each.


See below for our full list of upcoming events:

AIB West 2020 Annual Conference

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The AIB US-West announces its 2020 Annual Conference, to take place at San Diego State University in San Diego, California. The 2020 Conference theme is “Migration and International Business: Theory and Practice.” Cross border migration is an important issue these days, and conversations on the subject can lead to myriad perspectives. Migration may be closely linked to a variety of issues related to global business, including, but not limited to: labor contributions (or losses and displacements) on a range of skill levels; expansion of markets through increased spending and investment; social and political risk stemming from differing policies on migration; cultural and economic changes that impact markets and organizations; and effects of migration dynamics on innovation and entrepreneurship. A focus on the linkages between migration and international business seems a timely and important contribution the academy can make to the current global business environment. 2 In addition to the main theme, the conference will feature a wide range of tracks for competitive sessions and panels, keynote speakers from academia and business, a paper development workshop, pedagogical sessions, and opportunities for networking. The conference seeks to enhance knowledge development on global trade and investment and superior performance in organizations that operate internationally. Papers are welcome that explain the nature or improve the international competitiveness of firms and non-profit organizations. The conference is an opportunity to present scholarly work and obtain critical feedback in a professional setting. We encourage the participation of both professors of all ranks and doctoral students. Submitted papers can range from works-in-progress to complete articles aimed for journal publication; they can be conceptual, theoretical, and empirical. Case studies can also be submitted to the Teaching IB track. AIB-US West is one of 17 chapters worldwide of the Academy of International Business (AIB), the leading academic organization for scholars and practitioners of international business. The AIB-US West annual conference emphasizes presentation to an international audience of the latest ideas in international business scholarship and practice. The conference’s professional development focus provides a collegial and supportive platform to discuss and develop ideas, and an opportunity for mentoring authors to enhance their papers for publication. Although based in the Western United States, the AIB-US West conference provides a venue for participants from around the world.


AIB US-West is committed to professional development. The 2020 Conference will feature some of the following activities:

Competitive Papers and Panel Sessions on leading issues in international business.
Special track on “Gender in International Business” sponsored by WAIB

Paper Development Workshop (PDW) and Meet the Editor Session sponsored by the Journal of World Business.

Pedagogy Sessions for participants seeking to enhance their teaching of international business.

Awards: The conference will recognize Best Papers and Best Student Paper.

Conference Proceedings: Opportunity to include your Abstract or Full Paper in a Conference Proceedings (electronic copy only).

A limited number of scholarships are available to qualifying faculty participants, courtesy of the CIBERs at San Diego State University, University of Washington, Loyola Marymount University, Brigham Young University, and University of Colorado Denver, to assist with registration and travel costs. Scholarship applications must be submitted by January 27, 2020. To apply for a scholarship, click here. For more information regarding scholarships, email

For more information, click here.

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Institute for International Business

CU Denver

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1475 Lawrence Street

5th Floor, Suites 5204-5208

Denver, CO 80202


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