CU System Federal Transition Updates

CU Federal Relations is working to analyze the potential impacts of the current federal transition, recent executive actions, and their ongoing implementation on the university’s mission and the people who work and learn on our campuses. We are working closely with the President and the Chancellors and encourage you to work through your campus leadership with questions. Updates can be found here and on the CU Government Relations news page.

CU Denver Campus Communications

Mar. 6, 2025

Feb. 20, 2025

Feb. 18, 2025

Jan. 28, 2025

Executive Orders/Federal Links

Board of Regents Policy

Academic Freedom Article, CU Regents

Read the full article

Part B: Academic Freedom

  • 5.B.1 Freedom of Inquiry and Discourse as a Core Principle of the University
    1. The University of Colorado was created and is maintained to afford individuals a liberal education in the several branches of literature, arts, sciences, and the professions and to create knowledge through the pursuit of research. These aims can be achieved only in an atmosphere of free inquiry and discourse.
    2. The core principle of free inquiry and discourse is recognized by the Board of Regents as academic freedom.
    3. All members of the university community have the right to free expression as stated in article 1.E. of regent law and further elaborated in regent policy 1.D; however, this right is distinct from academic freedom.
  • 5.B.2 Principles of Academic Freedom
    1. Academic freedom is the freedom to inquire, discover, access, publish, disseminate, and teach truth as the individual understands it, subject to no control or authority save the control and authority of the rational methods by which knowledge is established in the field.
    2. All university employees, whose duties include independent teaching, scholarly or creative work are afforded the right of academic freedom relative to these duties (see the corresponding administrative policy statement) and have the right to grieve perceived violations of academic freedom through the Faculty Senate grievance process.
    3. The rights and responsibilities associated with the principles of academic freedom are elaborated in regent policy 5.B


For Students

  • Health & Wellness Resources: Dedicated to providing an exceptional and holistic wellness experience, this area offers student resources for mental, physical, and financial health needs.
  • Housing & Dining: CU Denver Housing and Dining is committed to promoting a safe and secure on-campus living environment. Staff are available and on-call 24 hours a day to respond to emergency situations. If you have questions or concerns, reach out to 303-315-5272.
  • CU Denver CARE Team (for student support): If you are worried about a fellow student, notice changes in their behavior, or believe they could benefit from additional support, please submit a referral to the Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team.
  • CU Denver Counseling Center: CU Denver students are eligible for a free initial intake and up to 10 individual sessions per calendar year.
  • Phoenix Center at Auraria: This center offers campus response services, provides education, and facilitates dialogue related to interpersonal violence. The 24/7 helpline number is 303-556-2255.
  • TELUS Health: TELUS connects students with free, confidential mental health and well-being support conveniently available 24/7 via the TELUS Health Student Support app (on Apple’s App Store or Google Play), telephone (866-743-7732), and web.
  • Auraria Crisis Line: 303-615-9911.
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: The line to call is now three easy numbers: 988.

For Faculty and Staff

  • CU Denver Crisis/Mental Health Resources (for employees): Resources available for concerns about faculty/staff behavior, crisis counseling, personal crises, and more.
  • FaST Team: The Faculty and Staff Threat Assessment and Response Team (FaST) is available for concerns relating to faculty or staff behavior. Call 303-315-3278 or fill out a reporting form.
  • CSEAP (Colorado State Employee Assistance Program for classified staff) 303-866-4314 or 1-800-821-8154: Free resource to all state employees offering mental health counseling, critical incident response, mediation, and more.
  • The Real Help Hotline: Employees covered under any of CU’s medical insurance plans can use the hotline for access to professional counselors who can help find local resources or provide immediate crisis counseling. This free and confidential service is available 24/7.
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: The line to call is now three easy numbers: 988./li>




Directives from federal agencies are evolving. Please regularly check the CU Denver Office of Research Services website for research specific updates.

Guidance for Research

All research activities should proceed as planned unless directed otherwise by a federal sponsor.

  • Research activities not impacted by recent changes should continue without interruption.
  • Continue to submit grants using the most updated information from the program announcements or program officers to guide the development of your applications.
  • Check this website regularly for the latest updates, and reach out to us with any questions using the Federal Transition Inquiry Form.

Please send any direct communications that you receive from federal sponsors regarding grant changes, including stop work orders, new requests or attestation inquiries, directly to the Office of Research Services through the Federal Transition Inquiry Form.


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