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Safe Return Update: Gradual Resumption of On-Campus Activity

June 19, 2020 @  12:11 p.m.

Dear CU Denver Community,

This week, we began a slow and cautious return of in-person activity on the CU Denver campus. The first phase of those approved to resume research and creative activities joined the mission-critical employees who had already been on campus. Enhanced safety protocols were put in place, including a mandatory check-in at a designated health screening station.

As we begin this process, I ask you to take a moment to familiarize yourself with our  Safe Return website. The site provides information on our safety protocols and guiding principles for a gradual return, as well as FAQs on a variety of topics. We will build on the resources there as plans progress, and I encourage you to visit regularly for the latest information. 

Please note that these key operational decisions remain in place:

  • You must be formally invited to return to campus. Those individuals or units who are invited will be contacted directly with detailed instructions, and a formal review and approval process is in place.
  • For the remainder of the summer term, all activity that can be accomplished remotely should continue to be done remotely, including working, teaching and learning, meetings and events, data research, and administrative activities. 
  • Our campus remains effectively closed to all but a limited number of areas for which select in-person activity has been deemed essential. 
  • Only those individuals approved as mission-critical should be on campus at this time. 

We are in the process of developing detailed guidance and instructions for the continued phased return to campus. We expect additional research and creative activities to be re-introduced gradually throughout the remainder of June and July. We are creating Safe Return planning guides for schools, colleges, and units to provide step-by-step instructions on preparing staffing-return and safety plans. We have surveyed faculty and students about the safe return to campus and expect to survey staff in the coming weeks. Moving forward, we will keep you updated on our progress in a weekly email.

With the addition of more people on campus, we have heightened our health and safety protocols. Those approved to be on campus are currently expected to adhere to the following (the Safe Return website provides the most up-to-date protocols, which may change depending on the public health situation):Complete the required, one-time Skillsoft training “CU: COVID-19 Return to Campus - CU Denver | Anschutz” before coming to campus.

  • Complete and sign a daily health attestation available online, via QR code, or in person.
  • Check in daily at a designated health screening station, where there is a temperature check, attestation confirmation, and issuance of a wristband good for that day only.
  • Visibly wear your CU Denver ID badge and a face covering at all times while on campus, indoors and outdoors. Building entry will be accessible only by ID badge reader. For questions about your access permissions, contact
  • Abide by posted protocols on physical distancing and other health and safety requirements.

Everyone has a vital role to play as we begin the gradual return to campus of more faculty, staff, and students. Please take a look at the resources available to you online and read regular updates to stay informed, as plans and protocols may change.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to the day when we’re all back on campus safely together, and your partnership will help make that day possible.

Dorothy Horrell signature

Dorothy Horrell

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