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Important: New Campus Safety Protocols Beginning Monday, June 15

June 12, 2020 @  12:52 p.m.

Dear Colleagues,The gradual return of on-campus research and creative activity begins Monday, June 15. You are receiving this email because either (1) you previously applied for and were granted permission to work on campus as a mission-critical employee, or (2) you have recently applied to resume research and creative activities on campus and may be approved to return as early as Monday.

(Note that this email does not constitute approval to return to campus; you will receive the approval decision separately.)

With the addition of more people on campus, we are further heightening our health and safety protocols. Those approved to be on campus will be expected to adhere to the following guidelines beginning on Monday, June 15.

  • Before you come to campus, you must have completed the required, one-time Skillsoft training “CU: COVID-19 Return to Campus - CU Denver | Anschutz” and saved a screenshot image of the completion certificate to your phone.
  • You must successfully complete a daily health attestation either before you come to campus or when you arrive. You will need to show a completion confirmation each day. The attestation (still under development but expected to go live by Monday) will be accessible via one of the following three methods:
    • Online at  
    • Via a paper form at a health screening station on campus
    • By scanning the QR code below (also posted at the health screening location) and answering the questions on your phone

QR Code

When you arrive on campus:

  • You must check in daily at a designated health screening station. There, you will show your Skillsoft training completion certificate and daily health attestation confirmation, get your temperature checked, and receive a wristband good for that day only. (Currently, the only health screening station is at North Classroom, open from 8 a.m. to noon. Additional locations and updated hours will be listed on the Safe Return website.)
  • You must wear your CU Denver ID badge and a face covering at all times while on campus, indoors and outdoors. You should bring your own face covering but the university will supply single-use face coverings at the health screening station to those who forget to bring their own.
  • Building entry will be accessible only by ID badge reader, and anyone entering any campus facility must be wearing a wristband color-coded for that day. Please be sure your ID badge is activated and that you have permissions for the buildings that you need to access. For questions about your access permissions, contact (Note that no ID card is needed to access the North Classroom health screening station from 8 a.m. to noon.)
  • Instructional signage has been posted around campus and within buildings. Please follow the posted protocols to ensure distancing and other health and safety requirements are observed.

Each of us has a vital role to play as we begin the gradual return to campus of more faculty, staff, and students. Please carefully follow all safety protocols, take a look at the resources available to you online, and read  regular updates to stay informed, as protocols may change depending on the public health situation. By doing your part, you are helping our community stay healthy, vibrant, and strong.

Dorothy Horrell signature

Dorothy Horrell

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