100 Days of Listening Tour
More than 5,000 ideas bubbled up from the listening sessions, online comments, and informal interactions over my first 100 days. There was a lot of agreement on what we do really well, where we have vulnerabilities, and the vast possibilities that lie before us. Here are the themes that emerged.
It is unmistakable how much our community cares about this place—and I do too.
While our commitment is a great foundation, it is not enough to take us where we want to go. We must continue to build strategically from here by investing in the things that matter most, the things that make us who we are.
We are proud of how far we have come in such a relatively short history. But we’re not perfect. Together, we will do the work to create the culture we want and embrace our values so that every person at CU Denver experiences a sense of belonging and flourishes.
Over and over I heard that we need to get really clear about our identity. That means having thoughtful discussions about who we serve, how we differentiate ourselves and what we want to be known for.
There is no doubt that the CU Denver community is committed to student success. That commitment is something we share. We must continue to work towards an unambiguous student-centered approach to student success.
Our values and core identity are centered around equity and fostering a diverse educational community. We consider these to be among our greatest strengths.
Many of you brought up our location as a primary advantage, especially for attracting student, faculty and staff talent and creating partnerships that have a real impact.
CU Denver is rooted in the idea that education should meet the needs of society. That commitment to providing quality, relevant, and innovative programs remains strong.
I heard your passion around research, scholarship, and creative activity and the ways CU Denver’s application of knowledge has a real, tangible impact – locally and globally.
Your collective opinion is that our people are one of CU Denver’s greatest advantages, and I agree! We must do even more as an institution to invest in and recognize the value of the people who make us great at what we do.
Universities are complicated organizations, which for us is compounded by our intricate relationships. I want to work with you to realize the benefits of these partnerships and minimize the aggravation.
There are countless unknowns as we navigate social and economic effects of the pandemic and major disruptions that have jarred higher education to its core. To build back even stronger after this pandemic, we need to get our priorities in order.
“CU Denver has a great opportunity to be bold and lean into what's happening in our world right now. We know our students are some of those most impacted. How are we going to serve them—and not just by talking, but acting?”
- CU Denver staff member
Click below for the full report on my 100 Days of Listening.