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100 Days of Listening Tour

The Approach

Over the course of my first 100 days, I heard from more than 1,000 faculty, staff, students, friends, and partners of the university through a series of informal listening sessions. I also collected input and ideas via an online form and through personal interactions and meetings. I learned so much about what is important to the Lynx community and what you hope for our future. I look forward to the many discussions and conversations still to come as we design that future together.

10 Themes

Who Did I Talk To?



100 DAYS



ideas shared

units represented

faculty engaged

staff engaged

students engaged

friends engaged
alumni, donors, parents, employers, community partners

10 Themes

My Process

Equity Listening Sessions

These sessions were an unstructured opportunity for the campus community to share thoughts and concerns related to equity and racial justice and what we need to do collectively and personally to walk the walk. 

  • Engaged key stakeholder groups on campus in equity listening sessions, including: BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) faculty and staff, Center for Identity & Inclusion, Women & Gender Center, student-facing staff, and Faculty Assembly Executive Committee.  
  • Hosted 21 listening sessions that were open to all faculty, staff, and students.
  • Shared my commitments to action via email to the campus community on July 20.
  • Invited additional and ongoing feedback via an online form on my website. 

General Listening Sessions

I held informal, lightly facilitated sessions to hear directly from you about what matters most and how you hope we will continue moving CU Denver forward. In these sessions, I posed the following questions:

  • Where does CU Denver have key advantages and momentum?  
  • What areas need further development and/or what issues do we need to address?
  • Looking ahead, what do you see as our greatest opportunities?
  • Suppose a headline is written about CU Denver in five years—what would you want that headline to say?
  • What is one thing we could do to make CU Denver better?

Other Introductory Meetings:

In addition to the 62 official listening sessions, I met with hosts of other faculty, staff, student, and friends of CU Denver through introductory meetings.

The Themes Emerged...

More than 5,000 ideas bubbled up from the listening sessions, meetings, online comments, and informal interactions that took place in my first 100 days. There was a lot of agreement on what we do really well, where we have vulnerabilities, and the vast possibilities that lie before us. Read on to learn all about the themes that emerged and where we go from here.

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“I want to commend you for doing 100 Days of Listening. One of the things I'm hearing even in this call is how powerful CU Denver’s faculty and staff are. Listen to your people for the ideas they have.”

 - CU Denver alum

Want to learn more?

Click below for the full report on my 100 Days of Listening.

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