Android Emergency Preparedness

Introductory text lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam accumsan dictum rutrum. Proin vulputate dolor mi, at bibendum dolor tempus a. Sed pellentesque et quam quis semper.

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Add Emergency Information to a Phone

Make Text Bigger

  1. Settings > Accessibility > Text and Display
  2. Select Font Size
  3. Use the slider to select the preferred text size

Video version of the instructions

large text setting

Tips & Notes

Text size adjustments can also be made in Settings > Display > Font Size.  

Make Everything Bigger

  1. Settings > Accessibility > Text and Display
  2. Select Display Size
  3. Use the slider to select the preferred display size

Video version of the instructions

Display SizeAdjustment

Tips & Notes

Display sizing makes everything on the screen look bigger but can make less information available on the screen requiring more scrolling.

Make the Pointer Bigger

  1. Settings > Accessibility > Text and Display
  2. Adjust the Large Mouse Pointer toggle

Video version of the instructions

enable large mouse pointer

Tips & Notes

The large mouse pointer settings applies when a Bluetooth mouse is connected to the Android device. Android does not offer options for pointer color or speed adjustments.

  • See also: Google support page for the large mouse pointer

Add Emergency Messages to a Phone

Use Sound Amplifier with Headphones

  1. Settings > Accessibility
  2. Select Sound Amplifier
  3. Select Open Sound Amplifier
  4. Select a frequency range and adjust the level of boost
sound amplification settings

Tips & Notes

Sound amplifier uses the Android device's microphone to amplify certain sound frequencies when wearing wired or Bluetooth headphones. The feature can amplify either environmental sounds, or sounds played on the device. 

  • See also: Google support for sound amplifier

Be Alerted to Background Sounds

  1. Settings > Accessibility
  2. Select Sound Notifications
  3. Select Settings
  4. Adjust the Sound Notifications toggle
sound notification settings

Tips & Notes

Android devices can listen for certain sounds in the background such as alarms or babies crying then provide a visual alert. .

  • See also: Google support for sound notification

Activate Mono Audio

  1. Settings > Accessibility > Audio/Visual 
  2. Select Audio adjustment
  3. Adjust the Mono audio toggle
mono audio setting

Tips & Notes

Mono audio may improve the listening experience for individuals who have significantly better hearing in one ear by combining the left and right audio channels into one channel.

  • See also: Google support for mono audio

Text to 911

Turn on Voice Control

  1. Settings > Accessibility
  2. Select Voice Access
  3. Adjust the Use voice access toggle
voice access settings

Tips & Notes

Voice Access is designed for people who need assistance operating the computer by voice and requires some training to use effectively.  Use dictation instead for more limited assistance with typing.

Use One Hand Mode

  1. Settings > Accessibility
  2. Select System controls
  3. Select One-handed mode
  4. Adjust the Use one-handed mode toggle


one hand settings

Tips & Notes

One-handed mode pulls the top of the screen in reach when a swipe down gesture is detected at the bottom edge of the display. 

    Explore Timing Controls

    1. Settings > Accessibility
    2. Select Timing controls
    3. Select Touch & hold delay
    4. Choose a preferred touch and hold delay


    timing controls settings

    Tips & Notes

    Timing controls enable adjustment to the duration of the long press gesture. Longer durations can minimize accidental activation of the context menu when trying to tap on the screen.

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