Our Team and Partners

Meet our team of experts at CIDE and the national and local agencies with whom we proudly partner to enhance emergency preparedness and community support for people with disabilities, their families, and the agencies and professionals who support them. 

Our Team Members

Professional photo of Liz

Elizabeth Coughanour MS

Business Services Professional Instructional Design and Communications
  • Bioengineering
  • Downtown Campus - Engineering - Bioengineering ATP
  • Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering

Email Address:elizabeth.coughanour@ucdenver.edu

The Hub, Bioengineering



Elizabeth Coughanour is an instructional designer with a master’s degree from CU Denver in Learning Design and Technology. She builds learning experiences that are engaging, accessible, and useful. Her areas of expertise are remote learning, learning materials design, eLearning design, content accessibility, and learner experience design. She has been with CIDE since 2021.

Our Financial Partners

Colorado Department of Healthcare Policy and Financing

Logo, Colorado Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Department of Public Safety
Logo, Jefferson County Colorado Public Health
Logo, Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council

Additional Collaborators

  • FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency Region 8
  • CDPHE - OEPR: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment - Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response
  • RMMRC: Rocky Mountain Medical Reserve Corps
  • Colorado Emergency Managers
  • Colorado Independent Living Centers (ILC)
  • El Grupo Vida

To these and the many other local and national disability and emergency management collaborators who have offered guidance and help to this program, we are truly grateful for your support. 

Thank you.

A construction truck carries a webpage to a screen that says Hola and Hello.

La traducción al español de esta página está en desarrollo. Consúltela más adelante.

Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE)

CU Denver

The Hub, Bioengineering

1224 5th Street

Suite 130

Denver, CO 80204


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