RaCAS, Friday, April 25

The Research and Creative Activities Symposium (RaCAS) is an annual opportunity for CU Denver undergraduate and graduate students to showcase their scholarly activities.

Each year over 200 presenters share the research and creative projects they've worked on throughout the academic year. Together with peers, faculty, family, and friends they celebrate CU Denver's community of investigation and creative inquiry.

You're Invited to Celebrate Student Research & Creative Scholarship on Friday, April 25, 2025!

RaCAS is CU Denver's annual celebration of student research and creative scholarship. As presenters, this is your opportunity to share projects at any stage with peers, professors, family, and friends while receiving feedback.

Student presenters can find all details on submission types, requirements, and resources on the presenter instruction page below.

Abstract submission for RaCAS 2025 closed March 21, 2025.

View Presenter Instructions

Have questions? Email undergrad.research@ucdenver.edu, call 303-315-4000, or view FAQ here.


RaCAS is a hybrid symposium, so please read the instructions carefully before choosing presentation type and format during registration. 

Each presenter will choose their presentation type, upload a digital version to the virtual showcase, and present on Friday, April 25, 2025. See full details on project types and submission requirements on the Presenter Instructions page. 

  • Poster Presentation
  • Oral Presentation
  • Media Exhibit, Performance, or Demonstration

Presenters will receive detailed instructions to upload their materials and day-of schedule once registered.

View Presenter Instructions

RaCAS is a community event and there are many ways for faculty and staff to get involved. Examples include:

    • Support student presenters by reviewing their abstracts and presentation materials prior to submission.
    • Include RaCAS in your syllabi or courses (give extra credit for attending, encourage students to present their final projects at RaCAS, etc.).
    • Volunteer to review student presentations and provide written feedback.
    • Apply to present a concurrent special session, workshop, or mini-symposium.
    • Sign up to promote your programs or department at the resource fair.
    • Share what research and creative activities entails in your area. Examples are encouraged!
    • Join the RaCAS planning committee or volunteer to assist with other aspects of the event.

      View Staff and Faculty Information

      See RaCAS in Action

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