Denver, CO
Day 72° • Night 42°
Denver, CO Forecast
Weather Today in Denver, CO
Feels Like48°
6:54 am
7:17 pm
High / Low
6 mph
Dew Point
30.19 in
UV Index
0 of 11
10 mi
Moon Phase
Waning Crescent
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Health & Activities
Today's Activities ForecastNEW
Conditions today will be good for outdoor activities.
Air Quality Index
Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
Happening Near Denver, CO
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I just have to put this out there because I just received my semi annual storm drainage invoice with an added new sidewalk fee of $75.I really want to know all you alls opinions. Who thought paying an extra $150 a year was a good idea for a sidewalk fee? We all know this money won’t be used to repair the sidewalks and who has extra money laying around for this new fee? I’m so annoyed because these fees are soo ridiculous and keep adding more money for no value.
Congress Park
0d ago
Anyone know of any local beekeepers near the southeast Aurora area?I have family with severe seasonal allergies that I'm trying to see if i can help find them some relief because allergy meds are ineffective for them.
Tollgate Overlook
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So I’ve been having trouble with my hot water in my mobile home.Whenever I turn the faucet on in either the bathroom or kitchen the water seems to come out with no pressure. I turn on the hot water and it’s like it lasts a couple minutes till it’s cold. Drained my water heater and surprisingly the water was clean and free of debris. Made sure the pilot was actually on and the flame is on as well. Not sure what the problem can be any ideas ? TIA
Sable Altura Chambers
1d ago
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