
Module 2: Becoming a Researcher

This module focuses on different aspects of the research process that rostered (full-time) faculty who perform, publish, and present on their research must go through. 

You will begin to think about your own "research pipeline" & look for opportunities to support your research. It's a great insight into what many faculty experience. You may also find opportunities that you actually choose to pursue!

Estimated time to completion: 7.5 hours



Watch a recording of "Grant Writing: Scholarship & Strategies: Part I," from CU Denver's CFDA & the Office of Research Services. This workshop discusses ways to find grant funding that you can use to support your research. It also provides strategies for finding success in your grant applications. (1.5 hours)

Use the Pivot-RP database (via the CU Denver Office of Research Services) to search for grant opportunities that apply to your areas of research. You may want to look through some of Pivot-RP's training materials. If you find yourself feeling especially interested, choose a grant and look through the application materials in depth.


Publishing Pipelines

Faculty talk about their "publishing pipelines." This refers to the practice of working on multiple projects in various stages, to help them be continually productive. View Building a Publishing Pipeline, Part 1 and make notes on what publishing a pipeline might look like for you, either now or in the beginning of your professional career. If you haven't yet created your free account with the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD), you'll need to do so. (1 hour)


Research Statements

Read Cornell University's Research Statement Guide and write your own research statement (2 hours).


Elevator Pitches

Create a 30-second "elevator pitch" on one of your research interests.  It could be something you are currently researching or something that you're interested in. Be ready to share it! (0.5 hours) If you need some guidance, check out:

Coffee with the CFDA: Share your elevator pitch and discuss why it's important to be ready to share your research interests as a professional (1 hour). 


Center for Faculty Development & Advancement

CU Denver

City Heights/Learning Commons

1191 Larimer St

Denver, CO 80204


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