Methodologic Cores & Programs Areas
View our 2023-2024 annual report celebrating 10 years of ACCORDS!
Improving health, both locally and nationally, by supporting state-of-the-art outcomes and community translational research to guide clinical practice and policy.
Join us June 4-5 for the Colorado Pragmatic Research in Health Conference
ACCORDS is a unique environment supporting innovative and interdisciplinary research across the CU Anschutz campus. ACCORDS brings together a large group of investigators from multiple disciplines, some who have their primary office at ACCORDS, and others who collaborate with ACCORDS personnel, programs and cores, while maintaining an off-site research home. Our methodologic cores provide support for the development of new projects, grant proposals for faculty, consultative support to investigators, as well as support our programmatic areas.
Methodologic Cores & Programs Areas
Collaborate with Us!
Consult Request
Grant Awards