Support for Haiti, Afghanistan, and Our Veterans

Sent: August 18, 2021

Dear Lynx Community,

Just as we look forward to the hope and promise of another school year, we are faced with two major international tragedies. I watched the news from Haiti and Afghanistan over the weekend and felt emotions of sadness, despair, and helplessness. These are two countries that have already experienced such heartbreak and I worry about their future. Deep in my thoughts are also the many veterans who served in the war in Afghanistan over the past 20 years. I think of those brave individuals—and their families—who sacrificed so much in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

At CU Denver, we have nearly 1,200 active-duty military and veterans enrolled as students. Many more of you have family members who serve or have served in the military. We also have faculty, staff, and alumni who are veterans or military-affiliated. Let me speak directly to you. I am grateful for all that you have done for our country. I can imagine you have a lot of emotions, too, as you have watched events unfold in Afghanistan in recent days. The Department of Veterans Affairs reminds us that it is normal to feel this way, and there are resources available—on campus and through the federal government—for those who are struggling. We are here to support you.

I also want to ask that faculty and staff understand the profound impact that recent events may have on our students, especially veterans and military family members. Should your students need resources or advice, please connect them with the resources below or the campus Veteran & Military Student Services office.

We are a strong Lynx community and I know we will support each other during these times of international turmoil. We can also show support for refugees who will be leaving Afghanistan and Haiti and we plan to identify ways that our campus can be resourceful in the near future. We have a large and vibrant international community here, with nearly 1,400 students representing more than 60 countries. And while we do not currently have students from Afghanistan or Haiti, we know many of you have connections to these countries. We’re here for you. We’re thinking of you. We support you. 


Michelle Marks Signature

Michelle Marks



Campus Resources

Many members of our community may experience strong emotions related to current events. Please connect with university resources to help you:

  • For students: CU Denver Counseling Center at 303-315-7270
  • For employees: The CLAS Psychology Clinic or The Colorado State Employee Assistance Program at 303-866-4314
  • For all: The Colorado Crisis Line at 1-844-493-8255

Department of Veterans Affairs Community Resources


Chancellor’s Office

CU Denver

Lawrence Street Center

1380 Lawrence Street

Suite 1400

Denver, CO 80204


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