FYE Benefits
Historically over time, FYE students have continued to remain enrolled semester by semester at a higher rate compared to non-FYE students at CU DenverClick the button for more information
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FYE Benefits
Historically over time, FYE students have continued to remain enrolled semester by semester at a higher rate compared to non-FYE students at CU DenverFYE Benefits
FYE students have a higher first-semester GPA compared to their non-FYE peersFYE Benefits
Mentorship and Support
FYE students rate their professors and PALs highly in terms of mentorship and support during their first semester
The focus of the CU Denver First-Year Experiences program is specially-designed courses that provide a welcoming and supportive learning environment for our new degree-seeking students
who are starting college for the first time in the fall semester. In any of the
FYE courses they choose, first-year students acclimate to the rigors of
college-level work, engage in the active social and intellectual life of our
campus, work closely with faculty and peer leaders, and make close friends and
study partners.
By extending our support beyond the classroom, we connect our new students to the university and help them navigate this new academic world.
For example, you may have trouble understanding some of the language we use, like Registrar or Bursar. It’s the lingo of higher education, our own special vocabulary, and it’s not always easy to translate! We will provide ongoing resources for you to help you get more connected with our university while building crucial skills for the world, post-graduation!
FYE Program Component #1
All of our FYE courses are capped at 30 or less students and have a certified Peer Advocate Leader (PAL) assigned to each FYE course.FYE Program Component #2
FYE courses require all students to meet one-on-one with their academic advisor and FYE instructor to help keep them on-track their entire first year at CU Denver.FYE Program Component #3
Getting involved is important - part of the FYE course requirement is to attend events and workshops at CU Denver. Connection helps build belonging!FYE Program Component #4
Learn from experts. Our courses bring in guest speakers from across a variety of CU Denver offices to get you the resources you need!So, Which FYE course(s) will you decide to take in your first semester at college? It's up to you! You’ll choose from among three FYE program options, selecting the one that suits you best—College Success (UNIV 1110/1111/1112/2110/2111/3110), First-Year Seminar, or Learning Communities. Explore all of the choices to learn more about what each program offers and find out which one interests you the most.
These courses are designed to ease your transition to CU Denver and make your first semester the best it can be by learning the ins and outs of college life. Plus, with specialized UNIV courses, from our College Success 1110 courses to our Wellness 101, Financial Literacy, Career and Major Exploration, and Student Leadership options, you can build out your College Success track beyond your first semester!
FYS courses have it all - the best faculty, interesting topics, fun events, and the supports of the whole campus. Each FYS course is a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - only available your first semester! Every FYS course also includes a PAL, FYE College Success lessons, and fun events and workshops for you to attend. Don’t miss out!
Learning Communities are double the fun! Our LCs include two or more courses that are linked together (gotta sign up for all of them!). The professors tag team to deliver a class experience that goes beyond the classroom with interdisciplinary themes. Plus, you get all the benefits of the FYE program components in your LC! Don't miss out on this learning experience!
In addition to our FYE and SYE classes, we host a variety of events on-campus. Check out the calendar below for our upcoming events, as well as events hosted by our campus partners!
Apply early. Space is limited! Get started on your college experience with summer school like you’ve never known it before. No tuition. No fees. Lynx Summer Academy gives first-year students who are starting in the fall the chance to take four credit hours and get a jump on their educational journey.